Winuoi Falafel Cafe
we here at Winuoi Falafel, absolutely loves falafel

I think it’s safe to say that we here at Winuoi Falafel, absolutely loves falafel. It might even be something of an unhealthy obsession, but considering all of the business we get from multiple clients - and the five star reviews - I think we must be doing something right!

The love of falafels is obvious, but the obsession with perfecting the same type of food made in different ways came from my mother; who is still hard at work to this day. In our case, we’ve made falafels into a dish unlike any other, and we’re ready to satisfy your craving!

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In plenty of ways, the falafel is a relatively simple dish. It’s a patty comprising with chick peas, certain types of meat and veggies, as well as pita bread. It sounds simple enough, but when my mom and I were experimenting, we found different ways of making the same beautiful dish.

It was so inspiring that Winuoi Falafel was born. It might seem like a strange notion - to develop a business from a single type of food - but we must insist that you give our food a try for yourself!

That said, it isn’t just about the falafels that make our recipes special. When it comes to falafels, a great part of the experience is enjoying a good drink! We’ve developed plenty of unique drinks to pair with the falafel, giving you an experience that you really won’t find anywhere else!


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An expansive menu!

A world-class bar!

Convenience is the name of the game


The Benefits of Falafels

While it might be understandable to have a restaurant with plenty of different foods and ingredients to take advantage of, we are completely obsessed with the nuances of cooking falafels a certain way. Paired with the perfect drink, there’s nothing like it! Here are just some of the benefits of falafels - particularly ours!

Afraid of calories? We have your covered!

When you think of falafel, people often put it in the same group as shawarma, tacos, and many other type of similar foods.

That said, falafels are often on the healthier side when it comes to calories. Considering that the main ingredient are chickpeas, you have a rather light meal and an incredible drink!

High in fiber, always!

Whole wheat tends to be used when it comes to making pita, and we ensure that it’s always the case when it comes to our falafels.

That way, you can enjoy a delicious low calorie, high fiber meal!

A healthy amount of health fats

One of the things my mom was particular about was the presence of healthy fat. Without any fat, there wouldn’t be much in terms of flavor, and she wouldn’t compromise the quality either!

Our falafels contain a good amount of healthy fat, providing a delicious experience.

Sugar free food

While our drinks might contain some sugar, you can bet that our falafels contain no sugar, ensuring that those with high blood sugar does not suffer when eating in our establishment.

When it comes to falafel, Winuoi Falafel is your only bet to an authentic and delicious experience!

We have plenty of talented staff who are more than happy to help you out, and we even have a little playground for your kids to enjoy themselves while you yourself can enjoy the wonders of our food!

So what are you waiting for?

Winuoi Falafel is an establishment that was developed to please and to surprise.

We have plenty of recipes for all walks of life, and you will undoubtedly find a delicious recipe that is just for you.

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